Tebboune Unveils His Roadmap for a Second Term: Modernization, Development, and Sovereignty at the Heart of Algerian Priorities

President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, recently re-elected for a second term, reaffirmed his commitment to continuing positive change and the development of Algeria. In an interview with national media, he outlined his vision and commitments for the coming years.

Commitment to a Democratic and Sovereign State

Tebboune emphasized his goal of realizing « the dream of the chouhada » by building a democratic Algerian state capable of defending its sovereignty and protecting its citizens. He committed to « protecting the country and its independence » while « defending vulnerable people. »

The President warned against « lobbies that seek to destabilize the country and sow chaos. » He pledged to fight these forces « relentlessly, » stating that « the era of the Issaba (gang) is over. » Tebboune also highlighted the crucial role of the National People’s Army (ANP) in protecting the country.

One major commitment is the completion of the digitization of all sectors by the end of 2024. This initiative is part of efforts to « build a modern Algerian state » and aims to combat bureaucracy, which he described as a « phenomenon of underdevelopment. »

The Head of State announced the establishment of a « serious national dialogue » planned for late 2025 or early 2026. This dialogue will be preceded by the revision of key laws, including the municipal and wilaya codes, as well as the law on political parties. These reforms will be conducted in consultation with political parties.

The President also reaffirmed the state’s commitment to not « abandon the ordinary citizen » and to preserve Algeria’s social character. He promised to strengthen citizens’ purchasing power through several measures, including combating inflation, boosting national production, increasing wages and allowances, and addressing the housing issue.

Economic Development and Self-Sufficiency

Tebboune emphasized the need to build a « strong national economy » to shield Algeria from global fluctuations. He stressed the importance of local production of mass-consumption goods. The President praised the progress in self-sufficiency, particularly in durum wheat production (80%), with the goal of reaching 100%.

On the international front, Tebboune called for a « thorough reform » of the United Nations system and the Security Council. Regarding the European Union, he announced a revision of the association agreement starting in 2025, specifying that the revision would be conducted « flexibly and in a friendly spirit. »

The President reaffirmed Algeria’s position on the Western Sahara issue, criticizing France’s support for the « so-called autonomy plan. » He also discussed the « friendly and mutually beneficial » relations with Russia, emphasizing the « deep and historical » ties between the two countries.

Tebboune vowed to end the phenomenon of smuggling, which harms the national economy. He announced plans to create free trade zones with neighboring countries to stimulate legal trade and regional development.

The President promised investigations into the preliminary results of the recent presidential election, pledging to make the findings of these investigations public.

In summary, Tebboune’s second term promises to be filled with challenges and projects, with a focus on modernizing the state, promoting economic development, strengthening democracy, and protecting national interests on the international stage. The President appears determined to continue the reforms initiated during his first term while addressing the growing expectations of the Algerian people in terms of social and economic progress.

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