Algeria Emerges as African Leader in Chemical Security at the 106th Session of the OPCW Executive Council

The 106th session of the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was held from July 9 to 12, 2024, in The Hague, highlighting Algeria’s growing role in regional and international chemical security.

Ambassador Salima Abdelhak, Algeria’s representative to the OPCW, played a central role in the debates, particularly in her capacity as Vice-Chair of the Council. Her intervention highlighted two crucial points. The Algerian representative called for strengthening international cooperation in the face of the growing threat of chemical terrorism, exacerbated by technological advances and artificial intelligence. She also expressed Algeria’s support for the Palestinian request for technical assistance from the OPCW and for investigations into the alleged use of chemical substances by Israeli occupation forces.

The highlight of the session for Algeria was the announcement of the accreditation of the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology of the National Gendarmerie (INCC/GN) by the OPCW. This achievement marks a turning point for the African continent as the INCC becomes the first and only OPCW-accredited laboratory in Africa. This accreditation meets a major objective set at the 5th OPCW Review Conference in May 2023.

Ambassador Abdelhak emphasized the importance of this achievement not only for Algeria but also for the entire African region, thus consolidating Algeria’s status as a regional leader in chemical security. Algeria’s leadership was also highlighted by the successful organization of the Chemex-Africa 2023 exercise in Algiers, from September 23 to October 5, 2023. This exercise, praised by many delegations, is considered a model for strengthening African capacities in chemical emergency response.

These developments position Algeria as a key player in the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention in Africa and as an essential partner of the OPCW in the region. The country now plays a crucial role in strengthening chemical security on the African continent and beyond. R.I

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