West Africa and Algeria are exploring new avenues for energy cooperation

A strategic meeting was held on Thursday in Algiers between Mourad Adjal, CEO of the Sonelgaz group, and a delegation from the ECOWAS Regional Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERERA), led by its president, Kocou Laurent Tossou. This meeting marks an important step in strengthening energy ties between Algeria and West Africa.

ERERA, which brings together 14 African countries, sees Sonelgaz as a potential key partner. The Algerian group, with its expertise in the production, transmission, and distribution of electricity and gas, as well as in training and digitalization, could play a crucial role in the development of the West African energy sector.

Mr. Adjal emphasized Sonelgaz’s readiness to engage in partnerships with African countries, not only for the transfer of expertise in various fields but also for the export of electricity. This openness could help meet the growing energy needs of the West African region.

For his part, the president of ERERA expressed strong interest in Sonelgaz’s experience, highlighting the need to expand collaboration to strengthen the African partnership in the energy sector.

The visit of the ERERA delegation to the Sonelgaz training school in Ben Aknoun also illustrates the importance placed on skills development in the sector. This training component could become an essential pillar of future cooperation, allowing for the strengthening of human capacities in the energy field across the continent.

This meeting paves the way for new prospects for South-South energy cooperation, which could significantly contribute to economic development and regional integration in Africa. R.E.

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