Algeria, Spearhead of African Solidarity and Autonomy

During the 45th session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) held in Accra, Ghana, Algeria reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to a united, solidary, and autonomous Africa. Through the interventions of its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Attaf, the country demonstrated its willingness to strengthen African mechanisms for managing continental challenges.

An African Approach to Humanitarian Issues

Mr. Attaf advocated for the activation of the African Humanitarian Agency (AHAf), emphasizing the importance of a « purely African approach in addressing humanitarian issues. » This approach aims to take into account the realities of the continent and promote the values of solidarity inherent in the pan-African project.

Strengthening Defense and Security Capabilities

Algeria welcomed the progress made in operationalizing the African Standby Force (ASF), particularly the announcement of the full operationality of the North African Regional Capacity (NARC). The minister emphasized the importance of this mechanism in addressing growing security threats on the continent.

An African Voice in International Forums

In view of the AU’s accession to the G20, Algeria called for in-depth reflection on how to take advantage of this opportunity to serve African priorities. Mr. Attaf supported the proposal for an extraordinary session of the Executive Council to prepare for the next G20 summit, in order to define unified positions and strategic objectives for the continent.

Towards a Digital and Innovative Africa

The AU’s approval of its continental artificial intelligence strategy and the African Digital Pact was hailed as a major step forward. These initiatives aim to stimulate Africa’s digital development while preserving its cultural identity.

Algeria’s commitment demonstrates its vision of an Africa capable of addressing its challenges autonomously and unitedly. By promoting African mechanisms in the humanitarian, security, and technological fields, the country is contributing to strengthening the continent’s position on the international stage. R.I

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