Africa takes its destiny in Hand: Towards continental solutions for african challenges

Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has recently highlighted the crucial importance of « African solutions to African problems, » a concept that could redefine the continent’s future.

At the sixth semi-annual meeting between the African Union, regional economic communities, and regional mechanisms in Accra, President Tebboune’s message was clear: Africa must intensify its joint efforts to address its own challenges.

This approach, rooted in the vision of the African Union’s founding fathers, aims to strengthen the continental architecture of peace and security. The focus is on fully activating conflict prevention and resolution mechanisms, with particular attention given to the African Standby Force.

Algeria, as a regional leader, is setting an example by strengthening North Africa’s operational capabilities. The country’s efforts have been recognized by the African Union, highlighting the potential of this regional approach to effectively contribute to continental peace and security.

A highlight of this initiative is the field exercise planned for late 2024, which will simulate the deployment of a peace support mission. This exercise aims to demonstrate Africa’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations on its own soil.

Beyond the continent’s borders, Algeria is committed to bringing Africa’s voice to the UN Security Council. This move aims not only to defend African interests on the global stage but also to correct the continent’s historical underrepresentation in this crucial body.

This initiative comes in a complex international context marked by multiple conflicts. It underscores Africa’s determination to take charge of its destiny while remaining in solidarity with just causes around the world, as evidenced by Algeria’s continued support for the Palestinian cause.

In conclusion, this approach of « African solutions to African problems » represents a potential turning point for the continent. It promises a more autonomous Africa, capable of managing its own challenges and contributing significantly to global peace and security. R.N

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