Terrorism in the sahel: Algeria recognized as a strategic leader by the UN

In a historic moment for African diplomacy, the United Nations Security Council officially acknowledged Algeria’s central role in counter-terrorism efforts during a landmark presidential statement on January 21, 2025.

Under the chairmanship of State Minister Ahmed Attaf, this high-level session marked an unprecedented international recognition of President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who has now been officially designated as the « African Union Champion for the Prevention and Fight against Terrorism. »

Beyond rhetoric, Algeria showcases an innovative approach that transcends mere security measures. The country advocates a comprehensive strategy that combines development and security, with strong African leadership and effective international partnerships.

Several African mechanisms are now playing a crucial role in this fight, including the Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa (CISSA), the Counter-Terrorism Unit of the African Standby Force, and AFRIPOL.

### A Historic Monitoring Framework

The presidential statement establishes an unprecedented monitoring mechanism. UN Secretary-General António Guterres will be required to present detailed annual reports on the joint efforts of the African Union and the United Nations.

This institutionalization of the partnership represents a major diplomatic milestone, ensuring that counter-terrorism remains at the forefront of international concerns.

Strategically located at the crossroads of the Maghreb and the Sahel, Algeria possesses unique diplomatic, security, and strategic resources to combat terrorist groups effectively. Its vision is characterized by several key elements: prioritizing dialogue, fostering regional cooperation, deeply understanding local challenges, and moving beyond a purely military approach.

Despite these advancements, terrorism remains a complex threat fueled by political instability, economic inequality, and cross-border trafficking networks.

Algeria’s commitment symbolizes its capacity to propose innovative solutions to contemporary security challenges while amplifying Africa’s voice on the international stage.

This diplomatic achievement extends beyond borders, reaffirming Algeria’s leadership in stabilizing the African continent.

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