The Arab Parliament has issued a scathing critique of the European Parliament, condemning a statement regarding Algeria as an unjustified and deeply hypocritical interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. This response highlights the blatant contradictions and double standards of the European body.
In an unequivocal statement, the Arab Parliament called on European lawmakers to respect Algeria’s sovereignty and immediately cease all forms of interference. At the heart of this condemnation lies a major reproach: the glaring hypocrisy of European parliamentarians who excel in pointing fingers at others while deliberately ignoring massive human rights violations elsewhere in the world.
The statement strongly emphasized that Algeria is a country governed by robust constitutional institutions with an independent judiciary capable of safeguarding the freedoms and fundamental rights of its citizens. This assertion aims to counter any attempts by European institutions to delegitimize Algeria’s legal system.
The harshest criticism concerns the deafening silence of the European Parliament in the face of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The Arab Parliament called out this criminal indifference, reminding the world that while European lawmakers indulge in lecturing Algeria, Palestinian women and children are being massacred in plain sight, with Europe failing to take any meaningful action.
This accusation underscores the vast moral chasm between grandiloquent speeches on human rights and total inaction in the face of crimes against humanity. The Arab Parliament thus denounces not only European interference but also its cynicism and complicity through its silence regarding the suffering of the Palestinian people.
The Arab institution made it clear that the European Parliament has no authority to deliver lessons on rights and freedoms, especially when it willfully turns a blind eye to the massive bombings, systematic destruction, and massacres of innocents in Gaza.
This stance fits into a broader context of questioning Western interventions in the Arab world. It reflects the determination of Arab institutions to defend their sovereignty and expose the double standards of Western powers that judge without accounting for local realities.
A clear message has been sent: hypocrisy has no place in international relations. The European Parliament is urged to focus its energy and attention on genuine human rights issues rather than meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states.
The Arab Parliament’s reaction serves as a strong warning: Arab countries will no longer tolerate condescending lectures and unjustified interference. They demand respect, equality, and recognition of their capacity to manage their own internal affairs.
In the face of this European duplicity, the message is unequivocal: it is time to end the double standards and act with coherence and justice on the international stage. The European Parliament is called upon to confront reality and take responsibility for the genuine human rights violations unfolding before its eyes.
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